Hobbyboss 1/32 Spitfire Mk. 5b

In revisiting the bottom roundels I realized my pattern was too small, the result of using Eagle Strike decals for the sizing.  I looked at the decals from the Kotare Mk Va and they looked spot on.  The paint in the roundel
area was removed down to bare plastic using Mr Color Leveling Thinner and the painting process was repeated.  I did it in the order of red, blue, and white using Tamiya paints throughout as I am not pleased with
 the MRP paints in combination with Tamiya.  The Tamiya paints had to be mixed.  The red is Tamiya Flat Red 75% and 25% Tamiya Nato Brown, the Blue is Tamiya Flat Blue with about 5% Tamiya Flat Black.

The subject airplane.

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