Accurate Miniatures 1/48 P-51A Index Page

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I previously built an Accurate Miniatures P-51C which was similar in many ways, but the cockpit was better engineered on it in the radio area especially. I cut away most of the lower shelf of the right fuselage under the cockpit so I could access the bottom of the radio area and that allowed me to make sure the radio and battery shelves were located properly. The wing covers that area so the only down side is a little loss of rigidity until the wing is attached. The battery and radio look reasonably accurate but on the back of the lower shelf is what looks like an oxygen tank and there is nothing like that in the P-51 maintenance manual I have. Whatever, you can't see it. I think AM could have done a better job on the cockpit sidewalls, they obviously made an effort but missed the width of the left console so there is not enough room for the aileron and rudder trim wheels. I simulated the trim wheels with black spots. They give you two levers that both resemble the gear lever but the second lever is supposed to be for the bomb release for which there is no console area, it should be at the lower left of the instrument panel. I left it out. AM supplied no armor plating behind the pilot's seat, I faked one using plastic card.