Tamiya 1/48 Meteor F.1
Kit 61065
I built two of these Tamiya Meteors at the same time. As
usual with Tamiya, near perfect fit, but this time with a slight divot. The first kit I bought was the first issue, and Tamiya had not
realized that the museum example they referenced was an F.1 that
had F.3 wings grafted on due to damage
to the original wings. The F.3 had spoilers, unlike the F.1. Tamiya later
the kit as an F.1 with corrected wings and also included a V-1. The F.1's successfully brought down 14 of the buzz bombs. Tamiya
later released the F.3 kit as well. I
previously gotten a Squadron vacform canopy for the first F.1 to build it as an F.3, but I was able to buy the necessary sprues for the F.3 kit from Tamiya so I
could use nice Tamiya
parts with no cutting and fitting, No decals were available but that wasn't a problem as
the same squadron used F.1's and F.3's. I read that as soon as the F.3's were
available the F.1's taken out of service. If you look in the cavity behind the cockpit you will see metal cylinders that Tamiya supplied as nose weight.
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