The kit came with a motor, the fuselage haves slightly modified to hold
the motor. There was also a plastic base, a switch, a AA battery
holder, and wires to mount a battery under the base.
The wire was supposed to run out the bottom of the airplane but I didn't
like that approach because it would use up too much space in the display
case and was limiting for photo setups.
Tamiya makes a Kettenkraftrad and power cart with some figures and I
adapted the power cart to hold a 1 1/2 volt button cell. I ran the
wires out of the model at the location of the
real airplane's APU receptacle and in to the power cart battery
compartment. I soldered tin tabs on the ends of the wiring that are
pressed against the button cell by the tight fit in the cart,
pulling one out when the motor is to be stopped. The power carts
were apparently supplied with a battery or a generator, not both.
The generator was built and set aside. When the generator
was installed and in use the hood was often left open for cooling.
On this model the cover is a press fit and can be removed to replace the