High Quality Plan Sets and Laser Cut Partial Kits for Radio Control
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Thunderbird 45
Chester Chaplaskie's Thunder Bird 45
The Thunderbird is a bit more complex to build. It has a unique shape
to the nose with a double taper on the bottom that took a while to simplify
without losing any of the
shape. Interlocking ply parts keep everything symmetrical in that
area in this kit. It was all stick construction on the original plans. Both 1/2A and
outrunner motor installations are detailed on the plans and laser cut
parts are provided for both. The airplane has great looks that are much like an airplane
from the late thirties.
It is a good size for 1/2A competition. It needed no ballast
to balance properly for flight with 1/2A power.
Plan span
Projected area
Aspect Ratio 7.51
t/c 14.4 Tail Area
58.15 Minimum
weight for 1/2A Texaco is 14.9 ounces
plans are detailed with building notes and show every part. Plans
are $15 plus postage. Laser cut partial kits are available for $40 plus postage.
Only strip wood and sheet balsa will need to be added, all shaped
parts are included in the partial kit.
To allow me to quote the
cost of postage please contact me
at jeaton01@gmail.com with your
address and I will calculate the actual postage.
Please use jeaton@afes.com for PayPal payments, NOT jeaton01@gmail.con,
the gmail address goes to a different account.