Golden Era Model Service

High Quality Plan Sets and Laser Cut Partial Kits for Radio Control Aircraft

Simplex 60 Construction Notes

Page 5

Note how tail end is sanded in the middle to get the proper width at the end.

Use the lightest possible wood for all of the tail parts (and all the verticals and crossmembers aft of the wing) as the Simplex's nose moment is very short.  
I usually strip my own wood from sheets of the appropriate thickness. Almost always better quality, straighter, and lighter than what you will get
if you buy it as stringers.  I use a small table saw or my band saw unless the wood is 1/16 or less, then I use a stripper with an exacto blade in it for the cutter.
On the saws I use a 1/4 X 4 X 18 length of basswood as a fence, held in place with clamps.  I set the dimension with sheet wood of the proper dimension
on its side between the blade and the fence.  That wheel in the upper right is from Top Notch Products (who do my laser cutting) and
the notches are for checking wood sizes.  Very handy

On to the finish.  The nose has been assembled, and servos have been installed before covering.  
The servo plate is made from 1/32 ply, a template is provided on the plans and there is a laser cut part.  
Glue some small 1/16 ply doublers underneath where the screws are located

Kevlar pull-pull lines routed out of the top of the fuselage.