Golden Era Model Service

High Quality Plan Sets and Laser Cut Partial Kits for Radio Control Aircraft

Page 16

Antonio Arria's San Josè

The elevator control horn is also from G10/FR4 material.  A slot was cut in the balsa block on the right elevator and the horn
will be glued in with thin CA after covering.  Sanding the G10/FR4 parts improves adhesion which is very good with thin CA.
The image is of the bottom of the stabilizer.  The joining rod is 1/8 carbon fiber.

Final installation of the outer elevator hinge pins.  Titebond III was used to lock the pin into the stabilizer rib, the elevator pivots on the rod.

This series of images is of the process of installing the Kevlar thread in the mid bay of the aft fuselage.  In this photo the thread has been wound around the outside of the fuselage side and bottom longerons to locate where to drill holes.  60 pound test bonded Kevlar thread was used in this bay.  30 pound test as used in the aft bay is strong enough for the purpose.  The Kevlar has almost no stretch.  The Kevlar thread is available from  
Bonded 30 pound thread
Bonded 60 pound thread

A view from a little higher perspective, showing the initial holes in the side longerons.

Holes were drilled at an angle using the thread as a guide.

A single length of thread was used for two "helixes" around the fuselage.  This photo shows the first half of the threading
complete but not glued.  Gluing is done only after all the thread has been installed and tensioned evenly.

Another view of the same stage of the process.

The second half of the helix wrapped around the outside to locate hole position and angle.