The order I used to
assemble the wing tip was as follows:
Without glue, assemble the ribs to
the lower aft spar. Install the lower spar and the tip sub spar.
Space up the rear spar with balsa scrap and
set its position at the root end.
Lock everything in position with fixtures. After
double checking all positions, tack glue all parts installed
so far. Install the leading edge,
aligning it with the mark on the plan at the polyhedral joint. Make up
the trailing edge section and pin it in position,
again the bottom of it should be
flush with the bottom of the rib 4 that goes there, and it should be
aligned with the mark on the plan at the root
end. Fit the tip parts.
Start from the rear and work forward, except fit the WT1 part to
the leading edge before tacking it to the WT2 part, the last fit.
Trial fit all the
tip parts, tacking them in position very
lightly to each other, not the ribs. The rib feet will
support the tip parts as you do this as the
tip parts do not rest on the building
board. The remainder of the tip parts will be installed as the
wing tip is joined to the inner wing panel.
Since there just happened to be a good
supply of balsa dust after shaping the trailing edge, I used it to
reinforce the join of the WT1 part to the leading edge.
The tips were pinned together and
the trailing edges were shaped.