The empennage is
removable, held in place by the 2-56 rod shown. The fin front spar
extends down through the ply plate, and the fin rear
spar is trapped
between the fuselage sides. The stabilizer is clamped in place by
the fin.
A bottom view. The rudder is held
and pivots on the screw in the ply plate at the end of the fuselage, the
screw also serves as a tail skid.
The elevator center hinge/retainer is
also visible above the rudder, made of a wire bent into
a U-shape and glued into the aft spar of the stabilizer.
There is a balsa shim in front of the elevator joiner
to space the elevator back from the stabilizer spar.
Visible here is the top of the 2-56
retaining rod, bent into a U and inserted into the bottom fin rib so it
will not turn. The other side goes through a
small ply reinforcing plate. The connectors for the control threads are
made from small electrical wire terminals soldered to threaded
brass rod ends. The control arms
are detailed on the plans and are from 1/16 hard ply. They are
included in the short kit.
Note the balsa surrounding where they
pass through the elevator.
Some extra balsa framing allows for the
pass through of the rudder control threads. The areas where the
threads will pass through depends on
the specifics of the radio installation.
It is best to determine the location where the threads pass
through before covering. It is handy to use a
length of music wire to do this.