High Quality Plan Sets and Laser Cut Partial Kits for Radio Control
Page 9
Henry Struck's 1937 Benny Boxcar in 108 inch span
The outer ends of the center section main
spars aligned with a square.
Initial assembly of the ribs and spars on
the left center wing panel.
Sub spars are installed and the trailing
edges are being prepared. The
inboard edges of the subspars, trailing edge and leading edge should be
left long and will be cut to proper length when the center panels are joined. The diamond file shown is exactly the right
width to cut the notches for the ribs. An initial cut is made with a
razor saw to make sure the location is accurate.
The leading edges and trailing edges are installed. The trailing edges
were first cut to rough cross section with a band saw and then filed to
shape. They should be installed
flush with the bottom of the ribs and 1/16 above
the top of the ribs to allow for matching to 1/16 capstrips. The
trailing edge rests on the plan at the aft edge and fairs to the lower
curve of the ribs.
Construction of the outer wing panel
joiners. Spar stock and the ply shear webs are glued in halves while
clamped to an aluminum angle.
The completed joiner parts. The
halves were assembled while clamped in the angle.