Golden Era Model Service

High Quality Plan Sets and Laser Cut Partial Kits for Radio Control Aircraft

Page 5

Structural Analysis

Copy this in to MS Excel or other spreadsheet  program and change the bold data per your design.  You can download a csv file here, which can be imported into Excel from the data tab.  
Alternatively you can request the Excel file.  It is a 40MB file and I don't want to leave it on the server all the time. 
The file name is SparCalculationProgram.xls

Cell A1
Spar Load Calculation

Span in inches 70.41 S

Total Spar Depth, inches 0.96875 SD =B3/2 70 HS HS =S/2
Total Spar Width, inches 0.375 SW

Thickness of Spar Cap 0.125 CT =B7/2*B8 210 HL HL=W/2*L 
Weight of Airplane in Pounds 6 W

Design Load Factor 6 L =D4*(D6/2) 250 RS RS=HS*(HL/2)

=B4-(2*B6) 290 J J=SD-(2*CT)
Spar Material Factor 9000

Enter 9000 for Spruce,

=(B5*(B4^3-D10^3)/12) 330 C C=(SW*(SD^3-J^3)/12)
2500 for light balsa,

4000 for very hard balsa

=B4/2 370 E E=SD/2

=D8/(D12/D14) 390 Z Z=RS/(C/E)

Design is =D18 Percent =B11/D16*100
K K=9000/Z*100
of required Strength

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